Microsoft Office Information Protection

Microsoft Office Classification & Encryption

UX resarch | User Flow | Wireframes | Prototype | UI Design | UWP | Azure |  MS-Office

With Office classification bar you can better protect your sensitive information – anytime, anywhere!

Control and help secure email, documents, and sensitive data that you share outside your company walls. From easy classification to embedded labels and permissions, enhance data protection at all times with Azure Information Protection – no matter where it’s stored or who it’s shared with.

AIP Admin Flow

This is what Admins (IT & Cybersecurity experts) will see in order to configure and activate Microsoft Azure Information Protection in their organizations.

Lo-fi Admin Flow
Lo-fi Admin Flow & Personas
Storyboard – User Journey
Hi-fi Admin Flow (Before implementing into Microsoft Azure) for millions of users

Enterprise Users Onboarding

This is what all of the employees will see after their organization’s IT & Cybersecurity experts configured and activated Microsoft Azure Information Protection.

First time welcome screen
New features introduction

Personalized Product Features

Screens (For A/B Testing)

Feature screens (For Usability Studies)

Testing and ditching some UX ideas

Keeping good UX Ideas (after A/B tests)

Applying MS Office UX & UI Principles

Design Building Blocks for developers

Individual File Encryption (Interactions)

Touch Mode support

Tablet mode off:

Tablet Mode on:

The Final Product

Classification & Encryption feature inside your favorite Microsoft Office products! Keep your organization safe.

In Summary

As a Lead UX for Microsoft’s AIP Cyber Division at Microsoft’s Israel Development Center (ILDC), I was responsible for the UX research, prototyping, Planning and UI design. Worked closely with Product Managers and Developers from ILDC (Israel) and Redmond (USA). I had the privilege to work on so many Cyber products at Microsoft, worked with some amazing developers and creative people. I’ve got more screens and flows to upload. To be continued ????

Organization: Microsoft

Product: Azure Information Protection – Classification and Labeling bar for MS Office