The Tech Frontier

Peace Trough Tech And Collaboration !
We believe Israel, the StartupNation can help the region! Israel is a True Success story and a Tech Locomotive
not only for EMEA, but also for the Whole World! Let’s work together to collaborate and create a better future!

Our Vision


We believe in creating bridges between Israel's Tech Ecosystem, US, EU, Middle East (EMEA), and the World


Businesses, Investors, and entrepreneurs from UAE, Bahrain, and the world are welcome to work with us.


Innovation based on Israel's experience, resources,
and knowledge
as the "Silicon Wadi" of the Middle East

Our Focus

AI/XR & Spatial Computing

Spatial Intelligence & AI

Cyber & Modern Warfare

AI and XR (VR/AR) are already transforming Education (EdTech), Defense (DefenseTech), and Medical fields (MedTech). Combining AI with XR and Spatial Computing is a game-changer! Studies already show the benefits of Education and training using AI/XR.
We aim to create an innovative ecosystem for AI & XR Creators, entrepreneurs, and experts. Israel is the right Hub for Hackathons, Startup Accelerators and Conferences to encourage young entrepreneurship and disruptive innovation.  XR/AI status in Israel:

Call to Action – Let’s turn Israeli StartupNation into AIXR Nation:

Our Articles

Israel’s transformation from The StartupNation and CyberSecurity Nation into AI/XR Nation. The Era of AI and Spatial Computing is here, are you ready?

VR & AR use-cases for Military training – US Army, Israel, Nato, and the Royal Marines – VR Training, PTSD therapy and more.

Metaverse Developer Community event in Israel, hosted by Meta (Facebook) in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Israel’s Metaverse Policy –  Our document after a joint meeting with Government officials & Businesses.

Peace through Tech

Learn more about the StartupNation

About us

A little bit about us and our activities

Avi Barel

CEO at iBarel Group. Ex-Microsoft & Cisco

Avi is a Lead UX & PM consulting Tech Corporations and small Startups. He’s a Tech- enthusiast with a passion for Emerging Tech, Startups, and Innovation (VR/AR, AI/ML, Autonomous cars, IoT, Cyber, XR Metaverse, etc).

Dr. Elhanan Gazit

Ludologist, Keynote Speaker, Entrepreneur

Elhanan is a Ludologist, Keynote Speaker, Advisor and an Entrepreneur in the fields of Gaming,  AI for Business and Personal Growth. He talks about The Gaming Generation, Metaverse, Spatial Computing, AI and Emerging Tech

Michal BenDavid, PhD

Creativity & Innovation Consultant

and Lecturing

David Erez

Entrepreneur, BD at Impris, social Lobbyist

David is the Head of Business Development at Inpris AI. International Technology Community Manager, a Dreamer & Entrepreneur. Advisor in Smart mobility and Transportation world for Government Entities and Organizations

Moshe Papia

CEO at Papia Group – Strategy & Lobbying

Moshe has a background in Sales, Marketing, Strategy and PR. He served as VP Sales and marketing Lead at Optimalsaving. Moshe is a people person and knows the Israeli Tech, Business, Real-estate, and Investment ecosystems.

Avi Barel

CEO at iBarel Group. Ex-Microsoft, Ex-Cisco, Ex- Mamram.

Avi has more than a decade of experience as a Lead UX, PM, Product Strategy, and Advisor for Tech Corporations and small Startups. Avi is a Tech- enthusiast with a passion for Emerging Tech, Startups, and Innovation (VR/AR, AI/ML, Autonomous cars, IoT, Cyber, XR Metaverse, etc).

Moshe Papia

CEO at Papia Group – Lobbying and Strategy

Moshe has more than two decades of experience in Sales, Marketing, Strategy and PR. He served as VP Sales and marketing Lead at Optimalsaving. Moshe is a people person and knows the Israeli Tech, Business, Real-estate, and Investment ecosystems.

Shabtai Barel

Businessman, engineer, entrepreneur, and consultant

Shabtai has more than four decades of experience in Engineering, Business, Logistics, Sales, and Strategy. He served as Business & Strategy Lead for various industry organizations in East Europe, Asia, and Israel. He knows the global Business, and Investment ecosystems.

I was invited to Georgia to talk about Innovation, Startups, and how to learn from Israel's success story.

I was invited by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to talk about Young Entrepreneurship, Startup Nation, and Tech.

Contact Us

You are welcome  to contact us.

Israel: The Tech Frontier | All Rights Reserved © By Avi Barel
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